David Billington's Web Page
I am David P. Billington, Jr. and I appreciate the trouble you took to find me. Please scroll down for my table of contents.
Last update: December 26, 2024
My autobiography
Under revision. Will return.
More photos of my life
I have finished From Insight to Innovation, a sequel to the book on American engineering that my father and I co-authored in 2006, Power Speed and Form. For information about my late father, please visit here. The new volume completes a trilogy of books on the history of American engineering innovation that began with my father's 1996 book, The Innovators.

A volume of essays written in his honor by some of my father's former students is available as a PDF download (52 MB) here. The contributors belong to a group, the International Network for Structural Art, that is dedicated to improving the quality of the built environment through civil engineering that is efficient, economical, and elegant. Members are engaged in engineering practice, teaching, and scholarship around the world.
Book Excerpts
From Insight to Innovation: Preface
From Insight to Innovation: Introduction
Thoughts on America and the World
Reflections on Public Life at Home
Reflections on America and the World
Reflections on Larger Things
Some Possibilities for the Future
Outline of World History
Odds and Ends
Early Thoughts
Two Hobbies
Professional and Contact Information
My resume is here
My email address is: DavidPB4 [at] aol.com
In November 2006, FastCounter discontinued the hit meter that I had here from 1998. My index page averaged about 400 hits per year. Thank you for visiting.